Diabetes Management

The endocrinologists at Hattiesburg Clinic have special training and experience in treating individuals with diabetes.

Diabetes Management Overview

Diabetes is an overarching name for a few different diseases that cause high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are controlled in the body by a hormone called insulin, which is created in the pancreas. Diabetes occurs either when the pancreas stops producing enough insulin or when your body becomes resistant to the insulin you produce. As sugar builds up in the blood stream, it can cause serious short-term and long-term health complications.

What are the types of diabetes?

Prediabetes: Those with prediabetes have higher than normal blood sugar levels, but not high enough to warrant a diabetes diagnosis. With medications and lifestyle changes, prediabetes does not have to develop into diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed when the body begins to build up a resistance to insulin, causing blood sugar levels to increase gradually over time. Type 2 diabetics may be able to manage and stabilize their condition through lifestyle changes or they may need medications including insulin.

Type 1 Diabetes: A life-long autoimmune disease, type 1 diabetes is diagnosed when the body stops producing insulin, leading to uncontrolled high blood sugar. Type 1 diabetics are dependent on insulin for life. While type 1 diabetes is most often diagnosed in children, it can occur at any age.

Gestational Diabetes: Some individuals may develop diabetes during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes typically goes away after the baby is delivered, but it can lead to serious complications for mom or baby during the pregnancy. It also increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

The symptoms of diabetes may start out subtle, but they will become more pronounced as the blood sugar climbs and stays elevated over time. The most common symptoms are:

  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Excessive thirst
  • Weight loss without trying or inability to gain weight despite eating more
  • Fatigue, headache or irritability
  • Dry skin, slow healing wounds or more frequent infections, like yeast infections and urinary tract infections
  • Odd-smelling breath, usually an overripe fruit smell
  • Neuropathy or numbness and tingling of hands and feet

What are the complications of diabetes?

Because diabetes impacts the blood stream, it can lead to many serious health complications throughout the body. When blood sugar levels are consistently elevated, damage to your organs can occur. Uncontrolled blood sugars are a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage and vision loss.

Managing Diabetes

There are many ways to manage your blood sugar and avoid the long-term complications of diabetes. Consistent management is the key. Together, our endocrinologists and Diabetes Self-Management Education program provide patients with the expertise and tools they need to manage their blood sugar and live a long, healthy life.

Diabetes Treatments

Patient Education

Choose Hattiesburg Clinic for Diabetes Care

With more than 50 years of combined experience, our endocrinology team at Hattiesburg Clinic offers patients personalized care, giving them access anytime to clinicians with experience to help them manage their condition. From early-diagnosis patient education to long-term care, we are here to help you navigate your health journey and get access to the latest innovations in diabetes care.

Hattiesburg, MS
5909 Hwy. 49
Ste. 30
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
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Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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