Policies & Rights

Advance Directive / Living Will Policy


To provide the health care team members information to assist them in working with patients who have Advance Directives.


It is required by Mississippi Law that the provider or facility notifies a patient and/or patient’s representative/surrogate of the LAW Statement of Limitations regarding the Advance Directive/Living Will.

If a patient who is to receive a procedure at LAW presents the staff with an Advance Directive/Living Will, the patient and/or patient representative/surrogate must be advised of the LAW Statement of Limitations, which is based on reasons of conscience.

The Statement of Limitations is: LAW will accept an Advance Directive/Living Will, but we do not honor it. It is the policy of LAW to always resuscitate a patient and transfer that patient to the hospital, in the event of deterioration. The hospital can determine when to implement these elements of the Advance Directive/Living Will once the patient and/or their representative/surrogate notify them of the Advance Directive/Living Will.

The patient and/or patient representative/surrogate will sign an acknowledgment that they received notice of Advance Directives and LAW Statement of Limitations prior to the procedure.

Patients who disagree with this policy must address the issue with the attending physician/anesthesiologist prior to the signing of the form, acknowledging and understanding of the policy LAW Statement of Limitations regarding the Advance Directive/Living Will.

Electronic Device Use Policy

In order to protect the privacy and safety of our patients and visitors while in our facility, our cell phone and electronic device use policy is as follows:

Acceptable Activities:

  • Playing games
  • Reading
  • “Surfing” the Internet
  • Talking and texting friends

Not Acceptable Activities:

  • Taking pictures while in the facility
  • Recording audio and video while in the facility

If you have any questions, please ask a staff member.

Patient Grievances

Every patient, patient representative, or surrogate has the right to express disagreement/file a grievance without risk of discrimination. If a grievance is filed, you will receive a written response within 15 days.  The patient/representative/surrogate decision-maker has the right to express disagreement/file a grievance by contacting:

Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center

Clinical Director:
105 South 28th Avenue
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Phone: (601) 579-3400

Mississippi State Department of Health

Bureau Director of Health Facilities Licensure and Certification
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Hotline: 1 (800) 227-7308
Local: (601) 364-1100

Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman

1(800) 359-4927

Patient Rights

In recognition of our responsibility in rendering patient care, the following rights and responsibilities are affirmed in the policies and procedures.

The patient or surrogate decision-maker for a patient has the right to:

  • Be treated with courtesy and respect, with appreciation of his/her individual dignity and with protection of his/her need for privacy.
  • An environment that is safe and secure for self and property.
  • Confidentiality of information gathered during treatment.
  • Prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests.
  • Know who is providing and is responsible for his/her care.
  • Know what patient support services are available, including whether an interpreter is available if he or she communicates in sign language or does not speak English.
  • Know what rules and regulations apply to his/her conduct.
  • Be given by the health care provider information concerning diagnosis, planned course of treatment, alternatives, risks, and prognosis.
  • Refuse treatment, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • Be given, upon request, full information, and necessary counseling on the availability of known financial resources for his/her care.
  • Know, upon request and in advance of treatment, the Advance Directives policy as required by state and federal law.
  • Receive, upon request, prior to treatment, a reasonable estimate of charges for medical care.
  • Receive a copy of reasonably clear and understandable, itemized bill and, upon request, to have charges explained.
  • Receive impartial access to medical treatment or accommodations, regardless of race, national origin, religion, physical handicap, sexual orientation, or source of payment.
  • Receive treatment and/or after hours care for any emergency medical condition that will deteriorate from failure to provide treatment.
  • Know if medical treatment is for purposes of experimental research and to give his/her consent or refusal to participate in such experimental research.
  • Express grievances regarding any violation of his/her rights as stated in Mississippi law concerning treatment or care that is furnished (or fails to be furnished) by the health care provider who served him/her, and to the appropriate licensing agency.
  • Participate in all aspects of health care decisions, unless contraindicated by concerns for health.
  • Appropriate assessment and management of pain.

Patient Responsibilities

A patient or surrogate decision-maker for a patient is responsible for:

  • Providing to the health care provider, to the best of his/her knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to his/her health.
  • Reporting unexpected changes in his/her condition to the health care provider.
  • Reporting to the health care provider whether he/she comprehends a contemplated course of action and what is expected of him/her.
  • Following the treatment plan recommended by the health care provider.
  • Keeping appointments and when he/she is unable to do so for any reason, for notifying the facility.
  • His or her actions if he/she refuses treatment or does not follow the health care provider’s instructions.
  • Assuring that the financial obligations of his/her health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
  • Following facility rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
  • Consideration and respect of the facility staff and property.
  • Asking what to expect regarding pain and pain management.
  • Providing a responsible adult to transport him/her home from the facility. A responsible adult must remain with him/her for 24 hours, if required by provider.

Going Home

Due to possible anesthesia side effects:

  • Do not drive for 24 hours. You must have a responsible adult driver (18 years or older) available to take you home.
  • You will need a responsible adult with you at least the first 24 hours after your surgery.
  • It is normal for you to feel drowsy and tired after your surgery. You should not plan any activities for at least the day of surgery.
  • Eat light after surgery and gradually increase your diet as tolerated.
  • Do not be alarmed if you experience mild nausea. If it continues and you are unable to keep down liquids, notify your surgeon.
  • No alcohol should be consumed for 24 hours after anesthesia or while taking pain medication.
  • If you are given general anesthesia, you may have a slightly scratchy throat from the breathing tube.
  • Do not sign legal papers for 24 hours.
  • Pain medicine should be taken with food.
  • In addition to your paper copy, your discharge instructions may be accessed on Iris, Hattiesburg Clinic’s patient portal.
  • We encourage you to watch the discharge instruction video prior to your procedure. To view the video, go to hattiesburgclinic.com/law.

While At Home

Notify your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Difficulty breathing or croupy cough
  • A temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or above
  • Numbness, discoloration, or a change in temperature of an arm or leg that has been operated on
  • Difficulty or inability to urinate
  • Nausea and vomiting that lasts longer than 24 hours
  • Pain not controlled with medication
  • Increased swelling around the incision
  • Redness or foul smelling drainage from the incision
  • Bleeding that you are concerned is too much
Outpatient Surgery
Hattiesburg, MS
Ambulatory Surgery Center
Hattiesburg Clinic - Main
415 S. 28th Ave.
5th Floor
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Get Directions
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Outpatient Surgery
Hattiesburg, MS
Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center
Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center
105 S. 28th Ave.
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Get Directions
Monday - Friday
6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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