Thigh Lift

The plastic surgeons at Hattiesburg Clinic are experts in thigh lift procedures.

Thigh Lift Overview

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat. The result is smoother skin and better-proportioned contours.

How is a thigh lift performed?

A thigh lift procedure can differ from patient to patient, depending on his/her desires and incision pattern.

Incision patterns include the following:

  • Inner (medial) thigh lift: Incision in the groin fold
  • Vertical thighplasty: Vertical incision going from the groin crease to the inner knee
  • Outer thigh lift: Incision extends from the groin around the hip
  • Spiral thighplasty: Incision is made below the buttock fold and extends over the groin crease

The type of thigh lift you choose will depend on the areas you want treated, as well as your skin quality and the amount of fat that needs to be removed. Your Hattiesburg Clinic plastic surgeon will discuss all of these options with you.

Once the incision is made, your surgeon will lift and/or remove any excess skin. Deep stitches are used to support the thigh’s new contours, and the incision will be closed with sutures. You will typically undergo a thigh lift while under general anesthesia or twilight anesthesia (also known as conscious sedation), and the surgery can take up to three hours.

Am I a good candidate for a thigh lift?

If you are unhappy with sagging or drooping skin on your upper thigh, you may benefit from a thigh lift. Ideal candidates include those who are physically and emotionally healthy, maintain a stable weight and do not smoke. It’s also important for candidates to have realistic expectations of the results, since thigh lifts are not a substitute for weight loss.

Some patients seek a thigh lift after losing a significant amount of weight and are left with large amounts of excess skin.

What can I expect after thigh lift surgery?

You may feel some discomfort and tightness for up to 72 hours following your thigh lift. Our surgeons can prescribe medication to manage the pain. In addition, many of our thighplasty patients experience some bruising, swelling and soreness.

You will be given a compression garment to wear, which will promote tightening of the skin and protect the incision site. Drainage tubes are also inserted to release excess fluid.

You will be advised by our plastic surgeons to start moving around as soon as possible to reduce the risk of a blood clot, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month. Most patients are able to return to work after two to three weeks.

What are the typical results of a thigh lift?

Most thigh lift patients are able to recognize results immediately – including smoother, tighter skin around the thigh area.

Plastic Surgery
Hattiesburg, MS
Plastic Surgery
Hattiesburg Clinic - 28th Place
421 S. 28th Ave.
Ste. 110
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
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Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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