Especially for Kids

We understand that surgery can be overwhelming for a child. We are here to help.

Especially for Kids Overview

Children have special needs when faced with surgery. The Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center has created an environment that we hope will provide a happy place for you to prepare and recover from your procedure. Your parent or guardian may call and schedule a tour so we can officially welcome and prepare you for surgery.

At least one parent or guardian of minors MUST remain in the center while his or her child is in surgery. (Please be courteous not to eat or drink in front of the children.)

Before Your Child’s Surgery

You may come by Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center for a visit and tour with your child.

  • Bring milk, formula or any other special drink (iced tea) you may want when your child wakes up from surgery.
  • Children may bring security items such as a special cup, bottle, blanket, toy, book or pillow.
  • Pediatric patients should wear footless clothing and socks.
  • Bring a change of clothes and underpants. Accidents do happen.
  • Bring extra diapers and wipes if your child is not potty trained.
  • Eating and drinking before surgery is not permitted. Please notify a nurse if this occurs. Food in the stomach can pose a health risk to your child. It can also cause your child’s surgery to be canceled or delayed as much as six hours. Their safety is our main concern.

When you and your child arrive at the surgery center, the nurse will ask you some questions, take your child’s vital signs and give your child a gown to wear for surgery.

To prepare your child, you may discuss with them that there will be machines and big lights for them to see in the operating room. The nurses and doctors will have on hats and masks.

After Your Child’s Surgery

Once your child wakes up in recovery and meets criteria for the next phase of care, they will be taken back to their room to be with you. Your child will wake up in a recovery room and possibly have a tube called an IV taped in place to their arm or foot. It does not hurt and helps them feel better. We will take it out right before discharge.

There will be drinks and popsicles for your child to have after surgery. They may be required to drink before they can go home.

The nurses and doctors will try to keep your child as comfortable as possible, however they may hurt a little. If you need anything, ask them.

Outpatient Surgery
Hattiesburg, MS
Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center
Lowery A. Woodall Outpatient Surgery Center
1 Lincoln Parkway, Suite 100
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Get Directions
Monday - Friday
6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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